WCB Policy

Last updated October 28, 2017

WCB Lodging Policy

WCB will pay the cost of one nights lodging at WCB Board Meetings (excluding
convention board meetings) for all qualified participants.  Board members
and chapter representatives, as defined in Bylaw 7, are qualified
participants.  Other contributors who have a valid business connection and
who wish qualified participant status must obtain authorization two weeks in
advance of the meeting from the WCB president.  Such a request may be
approved if doing so is expected to result in a significant cost savings to
WCB and/or the individual’s participation is essential to the meeting.

There will be 2 qualified participants in each room.  If a qualified
participant chooses to not share a room or share it with some other person
they will pay for half of the room expense.  This requirement may be waived
by the President for reasonable accommodation or special circumstances.

With two weeks advance notice, a qualified participant may request
authorization from the President for one additional night’s lodging based on
travel considerations.

WCB Travel Policy

The following policy applies to WCB members whose travel has been approved
by the organization.  Travel parameters are established via the WCB bylaws,
the annual WCB budget, and at the discretion of the convention or WCB board
of directors.

Unless other arrangements are approved in advance by the WCB president, WCB
will directly purchase round trip coach fare airline tickets, train fares,
or bus fares, as well as secure appropriate lodging.  If the travel is via
automobile, mileage will be reimbursed at the current OFM rate, up to a
limit not to exceed the cost of coach airfare.

Expenses essential to the transaction of WCB business are reimbursable,
including taxi fares, parking fees, bridge and ferry tolls, and the cost of
ground transportation.  Per diem will be calculated and paid in accordance
with the per diem rates published by OFM.  All requests for reimbursement
must include the WCB reimbursement form and related receipts.