
WCB Chapters and Affiliates Presidents List 2023

Updated May 2024


Capital City Council of the Blind

CCCB President: Alan Bentson



Clark County Council of the Blind

CLCCB President: Bob Cavanaugh


Guide Dog Users of Washington State

GDUWS President: Vivian Conger


Jefferson County Council of the Blind

JCCB President: Nancy Villagran


Peninsula Council of the Blind

PCB President: Mike Magures

Facebook: peninsulacounciloftheblind


Pierce County Association of the Blind

PCAB President: David Edick



Skagit and Island Counties Council of the Blind

SICCB President: Philip Bleyhl


Snohomish County Council of the Blind

SCCB President: Marilee Richards


South King Council of the Blind

SKB President: Danette Dixon


South Kitsap Council of the Blind

SKCB President: Jessamyn Landby


Spokane Council of the Blind

SCB President: Debby Phillips


United Blind of Seattle

UBS President: Young Choi


United Blind of Tri-Cities

UBTC President: Frank Cuta


United Blind of Walla Walla

UBWW President: Joleen Ferguson



United Blind of Whatcom County

UBWC President: Jim Turri


WCB Diabetics

WCBD President: Danette Dixon


Yakima Valley Council of the Blind

YVCB President: Sally Mayo