Opportunity, Equality, Independence
Founded 1935

Cindy Van Winkle, President 360-689-0827

Bremerton, WA

Meka White, Editor

Bremerton, WA

Those much-needed contributions, which are TAX-deductible, can be sent to the Washington Council of the Blind treasurer, Eric Hunter, at PO Box 3127, Bremerton, WA 98310.

To remember the Washington Council of the Blind in your Last Will and Testament, you may include a special paragraph for that purpose in your Will or Trust. If your wishes are complex, please contact the WCB at 800-255-1147.

The WCB is a 501(c)(3) organization.

For other ways to support the Washington Council of the Blind, visit our Fundraising page found at

Table of Contents

From the President's Desk
WCB Strong is Where You Belong!
Ten strange Things Said to Me
Summer Board Meeting
ACB Conference and Convention: A First Timer's Perspective
Life Membership for Purple People
Father and Son
Department of Services for the Blind Update
From the Senior Side
Washington Talking Book and Braille Library
Around the State
Hat's Off
Bits and Pieces
From Our Kitchen to Yours
2014 Calendar of Deadlines and Events

From the President's Desk

By Cindy Van Winkle, WCB President

At the Summer Board Meeting of WCB I challenged chapters to incorporate a campaign to reach out to members who do not make it to meetings reminding them that we care.

After the sudden and very sad death by suicide of Robin Williams, and after reading so many tributes and reminders of his contributions to so many in the entertainment industry and how he impacted so many of us in different ways, my heart was especially impacted by the below message shared from a Mork and Mindy episode.

Here is a link to the video on Youtube followed by a written transcript of the message.

Mork & Mindy: 'In Mork We Trust' (#1.21) (1979)

Orson: The report, Mork.

Mork: This week I discovered a terrible disease called loneliness.

Orson: Do many people on Earth suffer from this disease?

Mork: Oh yes sir, and how they suffer. One man I know suffers so much he has to take a medication called bourbon. Even that doesn't help very much because then he can hear paint dry.

Orson: Does bed rest help?

Mork: No because I've heard that sleeping alone is part of the problem. You see, Orson, loneliness is a disease of the spirit. People who have it think that no one cares about them.

Orson: Do you have any idea why?

Mork: Yes sir, you can count on me. You see, when children are young, they're told not to talk to strangers. When they go to school, they're told not to talk to the person next to them. Finally when they're very old, they're told not to talk to themselves, who's left?

Orson: Are you saying Earthlings make each other lonely?

Mork: No sir, I'm saying just the opposite. They make themselves lonely – they're so busy looking out for number one that there's not enough room for two.

Orson: It's too bad everybody down there can't get together and find a cure.

Mork: Here's the paradox, sir, because if they did get together, they wouldn't need one.

Let's all do our part to ensure that no one in WCB ever feels the kind of LONELY described here, a "loneliness of the spirit"! So now back to my challenge!


Create Awareness and Respond to Everyone!

When anyone comes to your meeting or a chapter event, be sure they are not seated alone!

Have an active phone calling committee, not just to inform about upcoming events, but to check on members who missed the last event.

Schedule time in your meetings for sharing, so everyone can learn about one another’s lives.

When possible, hold organized gatherings outside of your meetings creating opportunities for socializing and relationship building.

Most importantly, remember everyone in your chapter needs to have a sense of belonging, feel accepted and know that you CARE!


By Courtney R. Cole


This word was my inner voice's favorite word to say. Most teenagers hate the word no, but I was using it constantly.

No, you can't cook. Don't even try.

No, don't even bother with your make-up. You'll just mess it up.

Make friends? There's no way you can do that. You're too different.

Eventually, I began to think this way about most everything I did. I was convinced that because I was visually impaired, I'd never do anything as well as a sighted person. Knowing my vision would only get worse, I just gave up. On everything.

My mom, sighted not only physically but instinctively as well, noticed this. So, despite my complete (and I mean complete, we're talking teenager level) lack of enthusiasm, she worked tirelessly to fill out paperwork so that I could go to the Youth Employment Services (YES) program in Seattle.

The program is run by the Department of Services for the Blind, and it goes a little something like this.

Students apply, all with varying levels of vision. Once accepted, each one of us is given a job assignment based on the preferences we listed in our application form. Being the science geek I am, I was chosen to work at the UW Botany Greenhouse. After this, all there is to do is wait for the first day when all the lucky 15-18 year olds meet at Tri-Delta sorority house, a location rented by the DSB. The house is huge, and definitely has elegance to it. There are three floors, and a basement. With my parents' help, I settled into my room, and then headed down to the dining room.

Once there, we had a meeting with our parents, and just like that, they're gone. Leaving us for six weeks to live in the city.

I had so many mixed feelings when my parents walked out that door. Part of me was terrified. I knew I could probably run, catch up with them, ask them to take me home, and they probably would. But I also knew that I desperately needed this experience.

I surprised even myself with what I did in the following weeks. I excelled at my job, and loved it. I was making my own paycheck for the first time ever and I was managing my money well. I learned to travel the city, completely independently, and shop for my own groceries to cook my meals. I did and learned so much, with half the eyesight of a normal teen.

I branched out, and talked to the other students and the staff. We all became so close; we were like an enormous family. Being there helped me realize that I'm not alone in what I face. There are other teens dealing with a disability like mine, or worse.

But the biggest thing I gained this summer at the Youth Employment Services program wasn't the money, or even the acceptance I felt while staying there. While I was there, I found hope. I know now that I am so capable, and even when my eyesight does fade away I'll have a picture burning in my mind of a future that is bright and prosperous and bursting at the seams with joy. I now know how to say YES to my dreams.

WCB Strong is Where You Belong!

By Lori Allison

Have you ever wanted to hob nob with a famous author, a blind politician or the first female president of a consumer organization? This year’s WCB Convention “WCB Strong,” is the place to be. The convention will be at the Hotel Murano in Tacoma on Thursday, October 30 through Saturday, November 1, 2014.

This year’s convention will be an exciting time with J. A. Jance, Cyrus Habib, and ACB President, Kim Charlson! Other topics will be Emergency Preparedness, the Future of Braille, Parenting as a Blind Person, Staying Safe in our Communities, and Employment. We will also hear from Microsoft, the three agencies serving the blind in our state, the Lighthouse, Audio Book Ministries, and about our own Tim McCorcle's big adventure in Norway. Of course if you would like to show what talent you have or if you would like to sit and watch the talents of others, come and join in the Showcase of Talent. This evening of fun and laughter will take place on Friday night.

General sessions take place from Friday morning at 8:45 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday, 8:45 am to noon with the annual membership business meeting Saturday afternoon. Throughout both days door prizes will be given to those who are present when their name is called. On Friday each conventioneer will have the chance to visit the exhibit hall which will be bigger and better than ever before with products and services most of which have those with visual impairments in mind. There will be a silent auction with some creative and useful items; the finale of all of this fun will be a banquet on Saturday night where close to $20,000 in scholarships will be awarded.

To participate in this informational and inspirational loaded weekend with great food, pleasant hospitality and the fantastic hotel for only $92 per night plus applicable taxes and fees; you must register for the convention and have your reservations made by October 10th 2014. For more details see the convention bulletin on our website at or call “The Buzz” at 800-255-1147 and press 6.

We hope to see you at the Hotel Murano October 30-November 1 for “WCB Strong!” It’s not only the place to be, but it’s the place you belong!

Ten strange things said to me in public and what I said back

By Gaylen Floy, President, South King Council of the Blind

Ten is the number of completion so here are my top ten weird conversations since using the cane. You’ve probably got your own list. We can compare notes.

1. “May I pray for you?” Me: “Only if I can pray for you.”

For some reason, teenagers in Federal Way have chased me across the parking lot, stopped me at the mall and at the transit center to pray. Never one to turn down prayer or discourage youth, we pray, and Lord knows I’m getting my two cents in.

2. “Do you know you’re on the light rail platform? Me: “That’s really sort of a silly question, isn’t it?”

Okay. We’re standing at the top of Tukwila International Boulevard Station. It took two buses and two long escalators to get to the platform. Although it's tempting to say, “Oh, shoot. This isn’t the goat roping arena?” That response might have made me late to work.

3. “Can I help you with the stairs?” Me: “I need you to get out of the way.”

When it comes to stairs, be blunt. As Shakespeare wrote, “I must be cruel only to be kind.” Get in my way and we’re both going down.

4. “Let me help you cross the street.” Me: “PLEEEEASE get back in your car.”

Sighted friends, if you appear to have lost your freaking mind and are about to create a major collision, no one is likely to accept your assistance, no matter how blind or travel-challenged.

5. “Are you totally blind?” Me: “Not yet.”

The Federal Way Police pulled my bus over and questioned me in 2005. Evidently someone with brown hair left a bomb at a store and I looked suspicious. At least my fellow passengers were amused.

6. “How much can you see?” Me: “Enough to cause trouble.”

Even though smiling when I said it, the gentleman’s response was startling. “TROUBLE! I don’t NEED trouble.” He jumped up and pushed his way off the bus. Note to self: Maybe this isn’t something a white woman should say to an African American male.

7. “It’s over there.” Me: “If you are pointing, where is your arm?”

You’d think a Physician’s Assistant would get a clue when a patient with a white cane needs to locate the exit. Unfazed, she went on to say…

8. “The sign is right over the door. You can’t miss it.” Me: “Sigh.”

And I’m the blind one.

9. “Come touch the soap so you know where it is.” Me: “I'm not touching the soap and you need to leave.”

Marlaina Lieberg calls this tone custodial. People who use this tone creep me out.

10. “We need more of you people.” Me: “You can tell I’m a Republican?”

The new church greeter was mortified.

Summer Board Meeting

By Steve Fiksdal

Augusts’ quarterly board meeting of WCB was busting at the seams on many accounts. The first being that over 40 people, from across the state, were in attendance. Secondly, the conversation was lively and pertinent. Outside of the typical committee reports, which were insightful, a couple of items stood out and are worthy of mention.

You’ll be hearing much more in regards to the WCB Convention in the coming weeks. But as a reminder, the convention is to be held October 30 – November 1 at the Hotel Murano in Tacoma. As a first timer last year I can attest that this is an event not to be missed. Guests this year include author J.A. Jance, State Representative Cyrus Habib and ACB President Kim Charlson.

Want to become more involved in the affairs and direction of your WCB organization? The nominating committee for this year has been appointed. There are a few board positions as well as Secretary and Second Vice President up for election this year. If you would like to be considered for one of these positions, .

We do have one issue that requires our attention. Several of our friends and colleagues have found state employee websites to be inaccessible. As state employees they are required to submit their time sheet online. They cannot. These employees need to ask a colleague to complete their time sheet for them which requires disclosure of personal information. Ironically, the Governor has mandated that state agencies make their sites accessible. If the state employs people with disabilities, say the blind, should they not provide the tools necessary to fulfill the requirements of the position? WCB will be sending a letter directly to the Governor notifying him of our concerns. We as members should also be contacting our legislators to bring this matter to their attention.

Cindy reminded everyone that keeping our database up-to-date and current was very important. This database is where our organization goes to communicate with its membership. If your contact information is incorrect or missing, WCB cannot communicate with you. How are you to know what’s going on? To make sure your information is correct .

Cindy continues to serve on a statewide committee for implementation of the Unified English Braille Code, and took part in an informative workshop on UEB at the ACB Convention. It is her plan to hold forum calls about the changes and how they will impact those who are braille readers beginning next year.

And on a personal note, my middle daughter Kailee was married on August 30th to the love of her life Kevin Simons. The ceremony was beautiful in spite of the rain. And as always her father got teary eyed. But I did not miss his ever important four words…her mother and I.

Oh, and did I mention the WCB State Convention on October 30 – November 1? Of course I did. It’s worthy of a second mention. Don’t miss it!

ACB 2014 Conference and Convention: A First Timer’s Perspective

By Zandra Brown

Wow, so much to do, and so little time. This was a fast paced, informative, and fun experience. I want to thank my WCB family for the honor and privilege of being chosen as this year’s ACB Conference and Convention First-timer from WCB. The session meetings were jam packed with proposed resolutions, Constitution and Bylaws, elections, as well as general business, and guest speakers. Our new ACB President, Kim Charlson, did a very professional job of moving the agenda along. I found many of the guest speakers entertaining and knowledgeable. As an avid reader, I enjoyed listening to talking book reader Gabriella Cavallero describe her experiences while recording over 800 talking books. I also found a talk on accessibility to prescription drugs informative, and encourage everyone to check out This is a free educational tool, in audio format, for greater understanding of pharmaceutical drugs.

There were many interesting affiliate and special interest break out meetings available in the afternoons. I enjoyed discussions on accessible transportation, and pedestrian access, as well as an informative discussion about low vision aids, and technology on the horizon. The later discussion was led by an Ophthalmologist. HumanWare did a good overview of the new Victor Reader too. The exhibit hall had some great vendors, and I just had to pick up the latest Victor Reader there. It now has web access! This year’s tours were diverse and plentiful. My spouse and I celebrated our 32nd anniversary with a romantic gondola ride through the Venetian Casino and Resort. We also did a tour to a chocolate factory, Yum! Another tour that I enjoyed was a bus tour around Las Vegas strip, and downtown. This tour gave a bunch of history and fun stories about Las Vegas.

This was my first time to a casino, and I had never played the machines before. Imagine my surprise when my first time out I turned $5 in to $130, on a Lord of the Rings themed slot machine. It was beginners luck though, because after that I lost, until I took the rest of my money and ran. The Riviera Casino and Hotel staff was helpful, and the setting was interesting. The hotel was very big, and a bit overwhelming at first. The ACB convention organizers did a good job, and the daily convention newspaper helped to keep me organized.

Again I want to thank WCB for this wonderful opportunity to participate in the organization at the national level. There is a lot of good work being done at all levels of this organization, and being a part of the ACB Conference and Convention this year helped me to form a better understanding of the big picture.

Life Memberships for Purple People

By Frank Cuta, Chair, Constitution and Bylaws Committee

It has always been one of those great mysteries whether the people eater was purple or was it that he or she only ate purple people. Well, regardless of whether the devourees or the devourer was purple we can at least be sure of one thing. The WCB would not bar them from membership on account of the color of their skin. This is because we have always had a strong comprehensive clause in our constitution regarding nondiscrimination.

This year the Constitution and Bylaws Committee is taking a look at the membership nondiscrimination clause in Article III. Our concern is not with the color nondiscrimination language but with the age discrimination clause. In a separate amendment we would also like to clarify the definition of life membership in Article V.

The Constitution and Bylaws Committee will meet again this year on Thursday night immediately following the preconvention board meeting. There are thus far three proposed amendments that will be discussed and voted out of committee at this meeting. Full text copies of them will be available on the WCB-l list serve and in large print and braille at the convention. In this article I will only attempt to briefly explain them.

In the first amendment we propose to delete the sentence in Article III that was necessary to grandfather in young members who were under 16 when junior membership was added as an alternative. This sentence no longer serves any purpose since all such members are now in their twenties or thirties.

In the second proposed amendment we hope to clarify the age discrimination language in Article III. Paraphrased, the wording currently states that membership in the WCB will not be denied on account of age except that you must be at least 16 to be a voting member. There has never been any qualifying language supporting this exception. This year the ACB added appropriate qualifying terminology to the national constitution and we propose to add it to our state constitution as well: Briefly it states, "Membership may not be denied on account of age, (except where such is legitimately predicated on, or legally required by, failure to be of legal age.)”

In the third proposed amendment we intend to make it more clear to everyone that obtaining a WCB lifetime membership does not mean that a member no longer pays dues. Although life time members no longer pay dues to the state organization they normally must still pay local and national dues. We also propose to raise the fee for lifetime membership from $100 to $200.

The members of our committee are Rhonda Nelson, Stuart Russell, Danielle Maher and Frank Cuta. Please contact any of us regarding questions about these proposed changes. We are also still open to considering other amendments that you might have and we would appreciate the chance to look over any such proposed language before the convention. My phone number is 509-967-2658.

Father and Son

Editor's note: The following was posted anonymously on Facebook about David Engebretson (UBWC) and his son Solomon.

I see him almost every day, in the morning, walking past our house. His young son, probably six years old now, always scampers ahead, full of observations and candid comments. He has one of those classic kid voices, uninhibited, full of melody and wonder. As he grows older, the comments get more couched in awareness. I can't avoid listening as they pass. It's too cool to ignore.

The man himself walks with energy and confidence, his long white cane scouting the path ahead, orienting him to unseen obstacles. He's not a large man, stands about 5'7"; maybe weighs 150 lbs., and in fact appears to be in good physical health, lean and agile, probably in his late forties. Wearing a ball cap and T-shirt he could easily be just another neighbor out for his morning exercise; which, in fact, he is.

I cringe as he barely misses my truck, parked out front at the curb; but he does miss it, and gracefully skirts around it, every time. My cringe was unnecessary…and unfair. The father and son seem to have a fluid connection. Their conversation is casual and non-stop. In three years, I've never heard a cross word between them. There's not a single moment of unease as they go by.

I'm not sure of the child's name, but the man's name is David. He's totally blind, but despite the ever-present dark glasses, by the way he moves I wouldn't have guessed it had he not told us one day; except, of course, for the long white cane.

It's amazing to watch him negotiate the narrow neighborhood street. It defies logic. Like all conditions, physical, emotional, or psychological, if you don't experience it, you really can't fully understand it; so, you have to respect it, pay attention, and hope to learn something.

In truth, not meaning to minimize the accomplishment, I've learned that his skill is not unusual; another example of the ability of humans to adapt to their circumstances; but that fact still doesn't allow me to admire him any less.

I see him almost every day walking past our house; he's always with his son. He always has a smile on his face; they both do. I get the feeling I'm witnessing something quite special; like watching a precious memory in the making. Bellingham, WA

Department of Services for the Blind Update

By Lou Oma Durand

This spring, while gardeners were tending their yards, the Department of Services for the Blind has been cultivating an environment to help promote “Inclusion, Independence and Economic Vitality for People with Visual Disabilities.”

Advocating on the state level

Once again, DSB is making the case to the Governor’s office that the demand for services to the older blind population is exceeding our resources, and also that we need to enhance services to young children and their families. We are diligent in keeping these issues in front of policy makers statewide. However, we do not expect any new funding this biennium, due to the impacts of the McCleary decision to fully fund basic education in Washington.

Even so, Governor Inslee remains committed to greater employment for people with disabilities. DSB is actively involved in the Governor’s task force and Results Washington programs. And, as detailed in the last DSB update to WCB, we are working with the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation and the National Employment Team to promote the Talent Acquisition Portal (TAP) and connect our customers with state and federal contractors looking for employees.

Growing local career opportunities

As we build bridges to satisfying careers on the state and federal levels through TAP, we continue to work in the communities to help boost local career opportunities.

Efforts to make WorkSource Centers more accessible continue. DSB is actively encouraging WorkSource centers to provide their programs and materials electronically in accessible, web-based formats, providing individuals with visual impairments more access to career resources. In a recent step, some centers have added Wi-Fi, allowing customers to bring their own mobile devices to access WorkSource resources and materials. Wi-Fi service enables the WorkSource Center to provide access, while saving the expense of purchasing specialized equipment or software and training staff.

We are working with employers to provide appropriate job modification, training, technology, and support services in order to keep their valued employees who experience vision loss on the job.

Meanwhile, DSB is helping future business owners get the lay of the land in our Entrepreneurial workshop held in May. And we are restructuring some of our Orientation and Training Center programs following the retirement of Bronson Goo, after 38 years of service.

Branching out in the community

In forwarding our mission, we continue outreach to ophthalmologists, to encourage them to refer patients with vision loss to DSB as early as possible. In addition to the face-to-face outreach of DSB staff, the Focal Point newsletter for physicians will be distributed soon.

Our outreach efforts to better serve the Hispanic community have been successful, and we have exceeded our outreach goals thanks to our Spanish language radio spots and the efforts of our bilingual staff.

And we continue to reach out to the growing number of older Washingtonians who are experiencing vision loss as part of the aging process. It remains our mission to provide them with resources, peer support and skills to stay independent in their homes.

Helping and encouraging children and youth

DSB is gearing up programs and services to help the next generation grow into productive, fulfilled lives and careers. We have been working with a multi-agency task force to improve services to blind children and their families. This task force developed a process to identify and screen kids for both optical and cortical visual impairments. As a result we will bring on a new Statewide Coordinator of Birth through Three Services –housed at WSSB – to reach out to even more families.

Throughout the summer many students worked with DSB, building life and career skills in our sleep-away summer programs including:

  • Summer Camp for Independent Living Skills (Ages 9 – 13) – one-week program helping children develop safe and effective orientation and mobility skills.
  • Youth Employment Solutions I (Ages 14 – 15) – a two-week program for students offering career exploration, recreation, daily living experiences, and community service projects.
  • Youth Employment Solutions II (Ages 16 – high-school graduation) – a six-week program offering paid internships based on student interests, experience, and ability.
  • Bridge Program for transition from high school to college – college bound students work on the skills needed for academic success at a five-week summer session at Eastern Washington University.

From the Senior Side

By Carl Jarvis

The Magic Bullet

While plowing into a plate of potato salad, baked beans and a large juicy hamburger at our annual Jefferson County Council of the Blind picnic, I paused before diving into the over sized, heavily frosted cupcake that would put the icing on a most tasty and lovely afternoon. I listened to the twenty members and friends chatting and laughing together, having a relaxing fellowship.

My thoughts wandered back to 1995, when Cathy and I first visited a small cluster of blind diabetics who met from time to time in Port Townsend. Although neither of us qualified due to diabetes, we began attending these informal meetings. By 1996, JCCB had come into existence and joined with the Washington Council of the Blind. Eighteen years of slow growth, and yet as I looked around, it struck me that Cathy and I are the only remaining members of that original group. But we now number some 23 members.

I wondered how it was that a small town, like Port Townsend, something less than ten thousand citizens, in a rural county of fewer than 25,000, could support this growing group. We are an older collection of assorted blind and sighted folks; our youngest member is currently 62. But we may soon be joined by some youngsters in their 50's. What is it that keeps folks coming, and what are we doing that attracts new members?

We do many of the same things that other chapters do, we meet over lunch at a local restaurant, we invite special speakers to enlighten and entertain us, we have discussions between ourselves on "self-help" topics, we have a calling committee and we interact with other organizations in our community. But what is it that keeps us growing while other chapters around the nation are struggling to keep and recruit members?

Then, as I sank my teeth into that wonderful cupcake, I realized that when it comes to organizing, we have a Magic Bullet. In fact it is a whole bunch of Magic Bullets! It is each one of us. We have a bunch of folks who love to tell other people about who we are and what we do and why we would be just the perfect place for them to be on the fourth Friday of each month. It also dawned on me that most of these current members are folks that Cathy and I have served through the Independent Living Older Blind Program. As we serve each new client, we talk up the value of a support network, and invite them to "try us out". And so our Magic Bullet is all of us zipping about, running into others who have vision issues, and adding them to our calling list.

We are an aging population. Most blind people today are over the age of 55. Yet that age group receives very limited services. Sadly, we cannot currently look to our government for help in the difficult job of adjustment to vision loss. It is up to us, the volunteers, to gather up those lonely folks who are looking for support. No matter how long we've been traveling around this old planet, we are never too old to tell someone else about the joy of belonging.

Washington Talking Book & Braille Library

By Danielle Miller, Director

On March 22, 1973, the Evergreen Radio Reading Service (ERRS) began broadcasting at the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library (WTBBL). Forty-one years and some months later, ERRS has gone quiet. While there are many resources available for people who have internet access or a smart phone, or on the regular radio dial, there has been nothing quite like ERRS.

The radio reading service was a victim of ongoing budget cuts. In 2011 all funding and staffing for the service was cut, but with the help of donors and by co-opting some existing funds and staff hours, we managed to stay on the air another three years. At this time, however, it was no longer tenable to keep the downscaled service going through borrowed resources. The Evergreen Radio Reading Service will be greatly missed. I cannot express enough thanks to all the staff and volunteers who have made the service possible over the years, and of course, to you the listeners.

It was wonderful to hold the August 16th WCB Board Meeting at WTBBL. The Talking Book & Braille Library is your library and when I can open the doors for events like this, I am delighted. Our conference room has turned out to be a good venue and I always look forward to seeing those of you in attendance. Speaking of seeing you, I’m excited for the upcoming convention in Tacoma. Since it is so close, I’ll be able to bring a few WTBBL staff members who have never had the chance to attend.

Please feel free to contact me and let me know how your library service is going, share any ideas, or ask questions. Thank you, Danielle. / 206-615-1588

Around the State

Compiled by Joleen Ferguson


By Chris Coulter, Member

We here in Everett hope everyone reading this issue of Newsline has had an excellent summer as we have.

The season kicked off with our first-ever Outback Steak House Restaurant fundraiser. It was held on Saturday, June 28th from 10:30 am until noon. The food was wonderful; the service was excellent and the conversation was fun and lively. Lots of family and friends from around Snohomish County attended and so did Gina Allen, a member of South King Council of the Blind.

On July 12th we enjoyed our annual chapter picnic at Lundeen Park in Lake Stevens. Again, people had the opportunity to enjoy good food and good company from 11 AM to 3 PM. Donna Patchett, a charter member of our chapter and lifetime member of WCB joined us for a while. It was nice to see her as she is often not able to get to chapter meetings.

The rest of July and August were spent taking a well-deserved break and enjoying the sunshine wherever we were. The one WCB-related activity that many of our members took part in was the WCB summer board meeting held at the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library on Saturday, August 16th. Six of our members attended and learned about the current state of agencies for the blind. They also brought back information about our upcoming state convention.

If any of you would like to join us at a chapter meeting here is the information. We meet at Denny’s Restaurant in Everett on the second Saturday of each month with the exception of July and August from 12:30 to 3 PM. You can find contact information for our president and any other contact information you might need by going to

We hope you will consider joining us for a meeting some time.


By Sheri Richardson, President

Wow, what a summer it has been—for me personally and for GDUWS! As the weather begins to cool and I begin reminiscing about all those happy and/or lazy summer days, several important events begin appearing on the horizon.

As many of you know, GDUWS, a proud WCB affiliate, has formerly also been affiliated with Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI). On August 24th, GDUWS members held a business meeting via conference call to discuss the recent changes in administration and policy in GDUI and whether GDUWS should re-affiliate with GDUI. We were very fortunate to have Penny Reeder, the new GDUI President, and Debbie Grubb, the GDUI affiliate liaison, spoke with us in person regarding the changes that have already taken place as well as future goals. After discussion among GDUWS members only, a motion was made and passed to re-affiliate with GDUI. As GDUWS President, I am proud of our membership for acknowledging the positive changes in GDUI and making the decision to play an active and positive role in building up an important and much needed organization for all guide dog users.

Member Highlights:

My summer has been filled with gardening (my first time ever), lots of wonderful family and friends, and the most incredible trip to Alaska with my sister. It is with mixed feelings that I announce I have retired my Seeing Eye dog, Max. I will be returning soon to the Seeing Eye for a new guide.

Julie Miller, Vice-President of GDUWS, has already received a new guide from Gallant Hearts Guide Dog Center in Madison, Mississippi. Here is how she describes her: “My new dog is a ¾ German Shepherd and ¼ Akita. She is 24 inches at the shoulder and is at this time wearing a short coat. She rolled in some bad things before she came here for our training so the trainer trimmed her down. She is going to be mostly black with white feet and a small splash place on her back will be tan. She is a very sweet and obedient dog. She is also very quiet and has only barked once since she arrived on June 8th. Her name is Marley and she is a pleaser, smile. She is so quite that I have been thinking of getting a small bell so I can hear her when she steps behind me since I have been afraid of hurting her. She is too good of a dog to make nervous from stepping on her, smile!

She was an 11 or 12 week old puppy when she was found at the pound in Madison, MS. When the owner of the school was told about her by one of her volunteers she went to meet her. She is totally blind, so when she sat down in the room and they opened the door to let Marley in she was very surprised to find that Marley walked over to her and immediately sat in front of her. She was taken and the rest of her history is being made at this time, smile!

She weighs 55 pounds and likes working very much. We are of course still getting to know each other but what fun it is to do so!

Audrey Jolley must have decided Washington summers just were not hot enough, so she has moved to Arizona to be near family. She would like to stay in touch with WCB and GDUWS members .

For those who are thinking about attending the fall WCB Convention, think no more—just register! As usual, GDUWS will have an exhibit table with some products for sale as well as one or more friendly GDUWS members to answer your questions about guide dogs, resources, schools, etc. Of course, you can ask us anything, and we promise to make up an answer! (smile) We will also have a breakfast/business meeting on Saturday morning and a lunch with a special speaker (yet to be determined). All are welcome.

Remember we can be found at We accept tax deductible donations as a 501(c)(3) organization. So, until we meet again, happy “tails” to you all!


By Carl Jarvis, Secretary

Of course our summer highlight had to be our annual picnic. Twenty members, friends and one mother-in-law gathered at the H. J. Carroll Park in Chimacum. Actually, my mother-in-law, Dorothy Herman, is also a friend. John Ammeter took his usual post as Chef of the Grill, producing sizzling, juicy, "no pink please", hamburgers. A glorious array of tasty dishes and salads quickly found their way to paper plates and into hungry mouths. And all of this was topped by the most unbelievable, moist over sized cupcakes piled high with yummy frosting. Thanks for such a treat President Nancy. Sadly, Vice President Sue Ammeter was on the sick list, so I had to eat an extra cupcake just for her.

On the serious side, Charles Dudley Merk passed away earlier this summer after falling and breaking a hip. Dudley was 91 years old, and had always brought a room full of humor and good cheer to our meetings.

President Nancy Kelly-Patnode and husband Pat, moved from their "cozy" little home at Lake Anderson, into a roomy home in Sequim. We are especially thrilled to learn that they plan to continue attending the JCCB meetings. We would really miss Nancy's positive energy.

Our first meeting in the "New Season" will be Friday, September 26, at noon in our usual place, the Road House Restaurant in Port Townsend. And of course we welcome all comers.


By Rebecca Bell, Member

”Bright Summer News from the King County Chapter”

Tim Schneebeck: We have wonderful news to report about our President Tim Schneebeck. Tim is recovering from his surgery and is grateful for the good wishes and cards he's received. He expects to be back in his full capacity as president as we begin the series of fall meetings.

Jim McIntosh – ACBNCC: Jim McIntosh, member of the Seattle King County Chapter, recently attended the American Council of the Blind National Convention and Conference (ACBNCC) in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jim reports that he sincerely enjoyed the meetings, events, and tours, as well as the HOT weather!! Jim stated that he had a fantastic trip and looks forward to next year's convention.

Chris Gray – ACBNCC- Distinguished Service Award Recipient: Shirley Gray's son, Chris Gray, former ACB President, also attended the American Council of the Blind National Convention and Conference. Shirley, the very proud mother, wants to report that Chris received the James R. Olsen Distinguished Service Award. Congratulations, Chris!

King County Chapter: August Meeting Report

Marilyn Donley, Treasurer, King County Chapter, was the guest speaker for the August meeting. Marilyn spoke about the history of the King County Chapter. Members present enjoyed learning about the history of the organization and the recognition of the King County Chapter as the first chapter of WCB organized in the area. Rhonda Nelson, member, assisted Marilyn in reading a list of the charter members and the names of many members thereafter who have been actively involved with the King County Chapter over the years. Also, at our August meeting, Dinette Dixon, President of the Greater Everett Area Council of the Blind, attended the meeting as a guest. Thanks Dinette for joining with us.

Successful Eye Surgeries: In the past few months Rebecca Bell, member, and Jim McIntosh, member, had successful eye surgeries. Both are sincerely grateful for the positive improvements in their vision. Rebecca is working with SightConnection to access new visual aids and other assistive resources. Jim obtained new glasses to enhance his distance vision. We are pleased that SightConnection and other resources exist to benefit blind and low vision individuals.

Upcoming Meetings, Events, Officer Elections, Barbeque and Christmas Party: The King County Chapter meets the 4th Saturday of every month at the Blue Star Cafe, 45th and Stoneway, in the Wallingford area of Seattle beginning at 1:30 p.m. We have upcoming elections scheduled, planning for our big 2015 barbeque at Tim's home, as well as our annual Christmas Party. We would love to have you join with us as members and/or guest to learn more about our chapter. Everyone is welcome!

Have a great rest of the summer and fall!


By Kim Moberg, President

This summer has been a busy one for this chapter. We had several members attend the ACB convention in Las Vegas. I know that they had a lot of fun by the stories that they have shared with the group, and they learned a lot too.

Each month in addition to our meeting we have a get together at the home of Eric (WCB Treasurer) and Joanne Hunter (both members of PCB). This is a time where members can come together and share and ask questions regarding blindness issues. For example, in June most of the persons that attended have some usable vision. So the topic was the needs of the "Blind" verses the needs of the "Visually Impaired". It was truly a great discussion. It sometimes seems that the blind community forgets that the needs of the visually impaired community differ to some degree from those who are blind.

We had our yearly fun summer picnic. It was held at Blueberry Park in Bremerton. Donny Moberg, member, grilled the hamburgers and hot dogs. We had some new people come to our picnic. It is always fun to have guests there. There was a ton of other foods brought by members to share. If anybody went home hungry that is their own fault. The weather was just perfect which made the day that much better.

Denise Colley, a WCB officer, was our speaker in June. She reviewed the benefits of belonging to this organization. There are many benefits and ways to be involved in WCB.

In September we will be having our Benefit Luncheon at Outback Steakhouse to raise money for our chapter. Funds raised will assist members in going to convention this year. Last year's event was really fun. As a direct result, we were able to give to our members a larger stipend than we have been able to afford in the past.

In just two short days of this writing, Sarah Schweizer, Vice President of PCB, will be having a cataract removal and cornea transplant. Surgery is scheduled for August 13. You are welcome to follow her journey as she regains her vision. She has set up a page on Facebook where you can follow her progress. This is an exciting time for her as it is for all of us as we take the journey with her. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


By Lori Allison, President

What a beautiful summer we have had with the weather bringing out all of the flowers and trees, thus giving everyone a grand show. PCAB has also been bringing out some of our talents letting the community know what we are about.

After our meetings we have had numerous social outings at a variety of different restaurants. The group is having so much fun that people notice and some inquire if there is a special occasion we are celebrating. This type of question allows us to tell them about our group as well as the work that, WCB and ACB are doing. This is a simple outreach that can be done while having a great time.

In July we had two rummage sales to raise money to help pay for our annual picnic held at Surprise Lake. This is the second year we have had a rummage sale and have had great fun and fellowship during these events.

Our annual picnic held on August 9th this year was catered by Poor Boy Barbeque with enough food that nobody went home hungry; Great job Poor Boy. The picnic committee had several games for all as well as great prizes. We have some very talented people who can eat a chocolate mini-Bundt cake covered in whip cream with a blind fold on and no hands. Some of the Executive Board were convinced to participate in this one. This was not the only game for our daring members and friends. We had a Hula Hoop contest, wow who knew the talent!!

PCAB is an active and social group.

Two of our members received new dog guides. Sue Burdyshaw has a guide named Honey and Sabrina Beeler is now working with Yule. Two members, Trena Casada and Hayley Edick are now employed at Xerox in Federal Way and we want to give them our congratulations.

If you are ever in the Tacoma area we hope you come by and say hello. PCAB meets the third Saturday of the month at 11:00 am in the Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities Center on South 19th street.


By Gaylen Floy, President

In July our board met downtown Seattle to assess the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for our chapter. This is called a SWOT Analysis.

  1. Kelsi, Kevin, Shannon and I put together a long list, but in a nutshell:
  2. Members are our greatest strength and our members are very active outside the chapter.
  3. Our greatest weakness is that members do not feel connected between meetings.
  4. Our greatest opportunity is that there are so many cool things to do in our area.
  5. Our greatest threat is that members stop attending meetings and we have had trouble getting a quorum this year.

We determined that our members need a way to engage beyond the meeting and beep baseball. We brainstormed the FOOD program.

FOOD now stands for Fun, Opportunity, Outreach, and Dining. South King members can get together once a month between meetings for lunch, targeting restaurants in our area that do not have braille or large print menus. In August we met at the Elliot Bay Brewing Company in Burien. Watch our website for FOOD updates.

At the summer WCB board meeting, I took Cindy Van Winkle up on the challenge to call each member. Here's a glimpse of what my peeps were doing this summer.

Grecia Luke turned 93 and received her seventh great-grandchild on July 2.

Steve Fiksdal was our DKM first timer at the ACB Convention in Vegas. He's got two more years working on a BA in Leadership Studies at Fort Hays State University. Heads up! Steve is running for a WCB board position at convention. I was going to speak for him until I found out we're both running for Secretary. We'll try to keep the trash talk to a minimum.

Shannon Curry boldly went where no blind person had gone and joined her church choir and may join another choir.

Kelsi Watson has been taking VoiceOver training on her iPad through SightConnection. She’s been very excited about getting email. However, SightConnection's AT trainer retired.

Gina Allen is our Sunshine chair, but remember her in prayer as the doctors figure out what to do for her eye pain.

Dan Porter finished school in July. Dan and Nhi celebrated with us at Mike Kelly's Irish Pub. In August someone broke into the Porter's home while Dan was at work. Nhi locked herself in the bedroom and called police. The police arrived quickly and caught the guy. They are looking for a good security system.

J.R. Kinnison finished up at the OTC and is in Olympia debating whether to attend school this fall.

Mustafa Azeez finished his last term at the OTC. Ask him anything about ZoomText.

Muayad Aziz is taking a six-month braille course at WTBBL.

Wuroud Azeez just had a baby boy.

Muna Azeez is working on her GED and planning to attend college.

Maida Pojtinger and her husband Rudy inherited property in Raymond, WA that they've been preparing the home to sell.

Family and church are keeping Joy Iverson busy.

The Mariners invited the Sluggers to host a table at a September game. Kevin Daniel says the Sluggers will play the Spokane Pride in a double header September 13 at Rainier Beach High School, 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Greg Vicars says Audio Book Ministries needs people to beta test books on cartridge and the online library to launch some time this fall. Audio Book Ministries is a free lending library of Christian and inspiration materials with patrons all over the U.S. and Canada. If interested in beta testing, call (206) 243-7377.

And what have we done at chapter meetings?

In August, the chapter invited John Rochford, Access Metro Operations Administrator, to speak at the chapter and peppered him with questions. (He still likes us.)

At our September meeting, we hope to learn how we can touch base with city services. We also hope to have lunch at a Middle Eastern restaurant to get better acquainted with our new members. We meet the second Saturday of the month, noon to 2 p.m., at Marlaina's Mediterranean Kitchen, 643 SW 152nd Street, downtown Burien. Come on down and try the Persian tea.


By Malissa Hudson, Secretary

Its summer in the city and United Blind of Seattle is heating up with all kinds of fun! At our June meeting, our Treasurer Glenn McCully led a round-table discussion that went very well. In the months of July and August our President Julie Brannon decided to have us not hold a meeting during those months due to vacations and the WCB Board meeting in August. However we had a wonderful social event in July put on by our Social Committee, co-chaired by Nathan Brannon and Darryl Roberts. We did a walk around Green Lake. There were 15 people in attendance and thanks to the Brannons, we had three excellent volunteers that helped guide people along the trail. We first ate at the Greenlake Bar and Grill, where the staff was very friendly to us. After the walk, we went back in the restaurant where we enjoyed something to drink and some ice cream! We will be having a meeting in September.

Mark this date on your calendar, October 18 from 12:30 to 3:00 PM. It is our annual Friend’s Day! This is our membership drive and it will be held at the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library, 2021 9th Avenue. Please feel free to join us there!

I also want to extend heart-felt congratulations to Julie Brannon for accepting a new position at DSB as the new Program Manager at the Orientation and Training Center. Way to go!!!

I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming state convention in Tacoma and I’ll especially look forward to writing another update in December. Love you and thank you.


By Debby Clark

From the heart of United Blind of Spokane to your hearts. As most of us have hearts to serve, educate and support the communities where we live, we have this in common. We are looking forward to the WCB Convention this fall.

Our summer months brought great meetings along with the hot days and nights. We always have something to celebrate! Sharing celebrations as well as troubles are what we are about. We had great food for Deborah Jenkins birthday in July. July also saw us taking care of local business as well as welcoming our newest member Vivian Huschke. Vivian is the public relations person for our beep baseball team and joined us checking out fund raising efforts. We are planning on working together with the baseball team to raise funds. We want to help send members to the convention in Tacoma.

August saw us having our picnic with ridiculous amounts of food and fun. Five of our members also went to Melanie Wait's home for of all things a Tupperware party. I love Tupperware!

On a more serious note: my retired guide dog Cameo passed in August. I will also need surgery on my hip the last Wednesday of September. I hope that will not prevent me from joining you all at the convention. Arthroscopic surgery is supposed to have a quick recovery.

This summer also saw Melanie and Lance Wait vacationing in Montana. This seems to be a popular destination for our group as Deborah Jenkins also visited Montana to see family.

Jeff and Debby Clark will be traveling to Seaside, Oregon for a family reunion in September. There are so many lovely things at the beach for all the senses.

Deborah Jenkins visited Rockwood Lane Retirement Community for a presentation concerning the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library. She showed her four track cassette player and Victor Stream. Five residents filled out applications for the library as a result. Deborah says there will be more to come!

On August 23 our Spokane beep ball team played the Spokane Transit softball team and we won! I am told the barbecue was also a great success. Our members are making the blindness community available and apparent. The Transit team loved playing beep baseball.

Now you all know almost as much as we do. See you at the convention!


By Karyn Vandecar

Hi from the Tri-Cities!

We are busy as usual with our card group; book group; play group/technology group; monthly luncheons and monthly meetings.

Our annual picnic is September 4th at the home of Dixie McDaniel. Janice does a great job taking orders for our Subway lunches.

Our Technology Group is growing and we are all learning to be smarter than our smart phones (hmmm good luck with that! LOL)

Our book group just finished two books: A Fortune is a Woman by Elizabeth Adler and Secrets From the Past by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Thank you Evelyn Crouse for hosting this event at Richland Gardens!

WELCOME: Joel Valdovines our newest and youngest member!

At our last chapter meeting we had two ladies from Regal Theater to tell us about their new audio description program. We are all looking forward to going to a movie to try it out. We want to contact the news media so other blind people in our area can also go and enjoy the experience. Our next play is "Once Upon a Mattress" put on by the Richland Players. We purchase season tickets so our members can attend. These plays are also audio described.

Our annual candy sales will kick off in November. We will again be selling SEE'S candy bars as our annual fundraiser.

Hope all is well around our beautiful state!


By Joleen Ferguson, Secretary

At last, the summer heat is beginning to give way to the cooler weather of fall; the sun is setting noticeably earlier each evening, and the Southeast Washington fair is in full swing here in Walla Walla at the time of this writing.

We are continuing to meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at Clarette’s restaurant with some of us gathering at 1:30 for lunch prior to the 2:00 business meeting. We did cancel our July meeting, though.

Our guest speakers in June were Roy and Paula Wu. They recently opened a new agency in our area called Home Instead. It is a national, non-medical senior care service with a local office in the Tri-Cities. They are now expanding into the Walla Walla area. They provided an interesting program and left some written material with us.

Cindy Van Winkle joined us by phone at our August meeting to tell us about the WCB convention. This was a unique situation because Louise McKinney who lives about 90 miles away joined us as usual by separate phone line. The two of them could communicate with each other directly by means of two Bluetooth speakers in close proximity to each other. Vice President, Carla Brinkley was pressed into service to chair the August meeting as President, Alco Canfield was unable to join us for medical reasons.

Carla and Joleen each took a turn helping at the Metropolitan Planning Organization booth at the fair. We partnered with them and were able to include a UBWW chapter fact sheet and business cards along with the “Living with Fading Vision” brochure and more at their table. We are continuing to attend their meetings along with other stakeholders concerning the public transportation needs in our area.

Some of our members have had illness preventing them from attending meetings, and Shirley Musick lost her son in July. We have recently been a smaller group than usual.

We will be back in December to share our latest chapter news here.


By Gloria Riley, President

When summertime hits, it feels like one big holiday. The days last longer, the kids are out of school, and typically the weather is a little more favorable for getting out.

Topping the list in long distance travel is Bruce Radtke. He had a wonderful opportunity to "volunteer" for a couple of weeks in a village near Siem Reap, Cambodia. He will teach a little English to some children and teenagers. He plans to visit ancient archeological sites and take a lot of pictures. Bruce is due home on September 8th.

Closer to home, some of us hopped on a charter bus in July to tour “Sight Connections” in Seattle.

Diane Haggith, Chris (Jean) White, and Betty Sikkema spent a night at a Silver Lake cabin in August. During the day they enjoyed the scenery and went on walks. In the evening they were joined by Betty's brother-in-law, who shared dinner and built a campfire. They roasted marshmallows, made S’mores and enjoyed each other’s company. What a great summer outing!

Jim and Holly Turri, along with guide dog Sara, traveled to Sandy, Oregon to attend Oral Hull Camp for the Blind, located at the foot of mighty Mt. Hood. The venue provides opportunities for blind people to participate in such activities as white water rafting, rock climbing, and challenge courses. Holly’s favorite is swimming. But the big heart-stopper was Holly riding a 7 foot tall camel at the Whatcom County Fair!

Summer birthday parties included: Chris (Jean) White, who celebrated her 89th birthday on June 25th at her home. Eighteen guests packed her small patio with great home cooked food and lots of fun and laughter. Then on July 1st, Bruce Radtke hosted a celebration for Ron Bradshaw’s 75th birthday.

Thanks to President, Gloria Riley, this year all members attending our annual picnic wore the new T-shirts designed for our group. The logo is a blind man (stick figure) holding a white cane. braille dots are printed underneath the letters UBWC, and Bellingham, Washington is spelled out. The white figure and cane are on a black background, framed on all sides with the typical red and white walking cane for the blind. We are all proud to wear these special T’s (pardon the pun!).

After a great potluck lunch, we listened to Bruce Radtke as he recapped his participation at the ACB National Convention held in Las Vegas. President Riley, honored Ron Bradshaw and Diane Kirscheman, with UBWC Lifetime Membership plaques for 20+ years of outstanding service.

Our outreach to the community included: UBWC display at the downtown public library, visitations and presentations to county senior center groups. We have reserved another display area for our group at the local city library for the month of September. Our first display this year was a great success, so we are expanding our display to the 10 county libraries. As a result, we are looking forward to greeting four new guests at our September meeting.

Our next event in September will be the first annual “Everybody Fair”: a Disability Celebration for all members of our community. This event is being hosted by Bellingham Parks and Recreation, ARC of Whatcom County, Max Higbee Center, and Gather Northwest. Our group will man a table and provide speakers to make oral presentations during the four hour celebration. This unique event will be held at the Depot Market Square and neighborhood Boundary Bay Brewing Company from 1 to 5 pm in downtown Bellingham on September 7th.

David Engebretson helped Beth Marsau set up a new email list on the UBWC server. The purpose is to discuss the Unified English Braille Code, which has been adopted by Braille Authority of North America (BANA). Beth owns the Northwest Braille Services in Bellingham and she is a long-time member of UBWC. Discussion is open to all braille users, readers, transcribers, and those who know the Braille Literary Code.

Summer is almost gone and autumn is in the air. We all can feel the change. So as we pull out our sweaters, jackets, and gloves to take us into winter, we will be prepared to work together to meet our goals. There are always obstacles, but with patience and respect for one another, we will tackle all challenges with team work. So we will take advantage of each day and spread our sunshine.


By Harry (Bud) Kohl, President


Yakima held the annual summer picnic in the backyard of Howard Underwood. Great food and weather were enhanced by great sing along music provided by our talented members.

Our promotion and growth activities continue with positive results. Three new members have been added with several more expressions of interest.

A chapter visit was made to the Vision for Index Once Center. Low vision aids were demonstrated. Several items were procured by members.

An ongoing process is underway to revise our Constitution and By Laws. The model provided by WCB is used to assure compliance.

Hats Off

Compiled by Cindy Van Winkle, WCB President

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to, and celebrate with, the following WCB members:

Chris Gray (KCC) on being awarded the James R. Olsen Distinguished Service Award at the Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind, honored for his lifelong professional and voluntary dedication to the continuing growth of opportunities and services for blind and visually impaired individuals.

Kim and Donny Moberg (PCB) on the special occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary.

Sabrina Beeler (PCAB) on receiving her new guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Yule, a handsome Yellow Lab.

Sue Burdashaw (PCAB) on the pairing with her new guide dog Honey, a Yellow Lab from Guide Dogs of America.

Joanie Delzer (at large) on receiving Vindy, her new guide dog from Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Julie Miller (KCC) on her new partnership with Marley, a female German Shepherd-Akita mix from Gallant Hearts Guide Dog Center.

Julie Brannon (UBS) on being hired as the Program Manager of the Orientation and Training Center for Department of Services for the Blind.

Trena Casada (PCAB) on her new job as a customer service representative with Xerox.

Hayley Edick (PCAB) on her new job as a customer service representative with Xerox.

Malissa Hudson (UBS) on being selected to perform in an upcoming program of Jim French’s Imagination Theatre, contemporary radio dramas aired on over 100 radio stations every weekend.

Rick Talley (PCB) on his new position at the Seattle Lighthouse as a supervisor.

Lyle Burgett (PCB) on the birth of his first grandchild. Daughter Georgia Jean Burgett gave birth to Eli James on August 4th, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.

Ron Bradshaw (UBWC) on the celebration of his 75th birthday!

Grecia Luke (SKB) on celebrating her 93rd birthday and becoming a great-grandmother for the seventh time.

Elwood Mabley (UBWW) on the happy event of his 91st birthday!

If you have something to be considered for inclusion for future Hats Off articles, please send to with "Hats Off" in the subject line.

Bits and Pieces

Compiled by Meka White, WCB 2nd Vice-President

This column is presented for your information and enjoyment. Inclusion of information, products, and/or services does not constitute endorsement by the Washington Council of the Blind. Email submissions to Newsline. Put "Bits and Pieces" in the subject line.

Computers for the Blind, located in Texas, provide computers with windows 7 and screen reading software for $150 or $20 if the recipient is on SSI. The recipient must be willing to commit to the process of learning new software. Training materials are provided. For more information go to or call (214) 340-6328.

WCB offers an email list for job seekers. Whether wanting to post employment opportunities, discuss challenges to the job search, or learn of job openings, this list might be a great addition to your resources. To subscribe, send a blank email to

The 2015 Ski for Light International week will be held in Granby, Colorado from January 25 to February 1. Participants will stay at the Inn at Silver Creek while the event itself takes place at the Snow Mountain Ranch. For more information, prices, and applications, go to

From Our Kitchen to Yours

By Carl Jarvis

Famous One-One-One Cookies

Back when I turned 16, Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Son, it's time for me to pass to you the Famous One-One-One Cookie recipe”.

Here then is the secret formula created by John Jarvis (born 1756 in Grafton, West Virginia) and passed down from father to son.

  • One cup sugar
  • One cup peanut butter
  • One egg
  1. Blend egg, sugar and peanut butter in a mixing bowl.
  2. When smooth, form into small balls about the size of a walnut and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
  3. Set oven for 250 degrees and bake slowly for about 20 minutes.

The result is a tasty cookie that has no flour, baking soda, salt or flavoring.

If you find this cookie simple and tasty, try making the Two-Two-Two Cookie…or the Three-Three-Three Cookie.


In the June 2014 issue of Newsline, the article entitled "Quicken Goes the Extra Mile" mistakenly identified Quicken as the product recently revised through the efforts of My Blind Spot to be accessible and usable by those who are blind, visually impaired, and print disabled. The newly accessible product is QuickBooks for Windows. At the end of this article, the publisher of QuickBooks is incorrectly identified as Quicken. The publisher is Intuit. We sincerely extend our apology to Albert J. Rizzi, M.Ed. and the My Blind Spot Inc. team, and to all Newsline readers for our error.

2014 Calendar of Deadlines and Events


16: Book Club Forum, 7:00 pm

22: Diabetics Forum, 7:00 pm

23: Aging Forum, preparing for the holidays, 7:00 pm


2: Presidents call, 8:00 pm.
7: Employment Forum, 8:00 pm
10: Deadline to register, request travel stipends and make hotel reservations for the WCB Convention.
14: Technology Forum, 7:00 pm
21: Book Club Forum, 7:00 pm
27: Diabetics Forum, 7:00 pm
30: WCB Convention, Tacoma


4: Employment Forum, 8:00 pm
11: Technology Forum, 7:00 pm
18: Book Club Forum, 7:00 pm
24: Diabetics Forum, 7:00 pm


2: Employment Forum, 8:00 pm
4: Presidents call, 8:00 pm.
9: Technology Forum, 7:00 pm
16: Book Club Forum, 7:00 pm


NEWSLINE Article Submissions

The NEWSLINE is available in large print, on cartridge, via email, and on our website at Articles should be 750 words or less and may be edited for clarity and space considerations.

Subscribe to the Newsline email list to receive the quarterly publication via email and other important announcements from WCB by sending a blank email to

Article submissions, address changes, and subscription requests must be sent to the NEWSLINE email address:, or by phone, toll free at 800-255-1147.

Article deadline: To be considered for inclusion in the December issue, article submissions and other information for publication must be received by Saturday, November 29, 2014.