Convention 2019
October 24, 25, and 26, 2019
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Seattle Airport
SeaTac Washington
All WCB meetings are open to members and non-members who are registered with this convention.
For the security of this event, conventioneers are asked to wear their convention name tag at all convention functions including hospitality.
Throughout the general sessions, the Friday luncheon, business meeting and banquet, door prizes will be given out to those registered for the convention and in attendance at the time their name is drawn.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Registration/Information desk (Grand Foyer)
Open only to those who have pre-registered
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM WCB Welcome Lounge (Cascade 9 and 10)
Drop by to meet old and new friends, find a partner for dinner, or peruse the program with someone and ask questions about the convention.
Hosted by the WCB Membership Committee
7:00 PM Preconvention Board meeting (Grand 1)
9:30 PM Resolutions Committee meeting (Cascade 5)
9:30 PM Constitution and Bylaws Committee meeting (Grand 1)
9:30 PM Hospitality (Cascade 9 and 10)
Mingle with old and new friends over snacks and beverages. Bar provided by the DoubleTree with set $5 drink pricing. Complimentary soft drinks and snacks provided by our host chapter, PCAB.
Registered conventioneers only!
Friday, October 25, 2019
7:00 AM to noon Registration/Information Desk open (Grand foyer)
7:30 AM General Breakfast (Grand 2)
7:30 AM First-Timer Breakfast (Cascade 1 and 2)
For first-time WCB convention attendees.
Hosted by the WCB Awards Committee
7:30 AM Presidents Breakfast (Cascade 5)
For Chapter Presidents or their designee.
Facilitated by Denise Colley, WCB President
EXHIBITS (Grand 3)
The Exhibit Hall will be open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, closed during the noon hour for lunch. Here’s your opportunity to peruse products and services intended for people who are blind or have low vision.
Free to conventioneers, $5 at the door for those not registered with the convention.
9:00 AM Vendor Setup
10:00 AM to noon Exhibits open
1:00 to 5:00 PM Exhibits open
5:00 PM Tear down
Coordinator: Cathy Wilson
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM One-On-One Technology Training (President’s Suite)
By Appointment Only with Al Yardley, Assistive Technology Specialist: accesstechnology@q.com or 253-223-2069
3:00 to 5:00 PM WCB Fundraiser Multi-Raffle and Silent Auction (Grand 2)
Come bid on some incredible packages and purchase chances to win some others.
Coordinator: Lisa George
8:45 AM Opening Ceremonies
Presentation of the Colors: TBA
Invocation: TBA
Welcome to SeaTac: TBA
Welcome by the host chapter: Cathy Wilson, President, Pierce County Association of the Blind
9:05 AM President’s Report: Denise Colley, President, Washington Council of the Blind
9:25 AM Report of the Nominating Committee: Frank Cuta, Chair, WCB Nominating Committee
9:35 AM Reading of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws: Frank Cuta, Chair, WCB Constitution and Bylaws Committee
9:50 AM We Are Community: Learn what is being done to ensure all are counted in the 2020 census!
Presenter: Sue Meldazy, 2020 Census Coordinator, Office of Financial Management
10:20 AM Break
10:30 AM An Enhanced View of current Low Vision Legislation
Presenter: Clark Rachval, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, American Council of the Blind
10:55 AM Transition to Breakouts
11:00 AM Three Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Technology Forum 2019 (Cascade 1 and 2)
Don’t be Left Behind! Future proof yourself as you get all your questions answered in one place by the best trainers and technology experts in Washington State. Is it time to replace Windows 7? Can Fusion 2019 change your life? What accessibility improvements are to be had with the newest iPhone operating system? How do I use my phone’s camera? Is Office 2019 better than Office 2016, or Office 365? Can you read email with your Alexa or Google Home device? What are some of our favorite new apps? If I get in trouble, where can I find help? All of these topics and more are up for demonstration and discussion, and a resource sheet will be provided.
Facilitator: Heather Meares, President, United Blind of Walla Walla
Panelists: Al Yardley, Naomi Namekata, Reginald George, and Deb Lewis
The Essentials About Essential Oils (maximum 20 participants) (Cascade 5 and 6)
What are essential oils and what are their benefits? Why and how can we use them? Educate yourself and leave with a “make and take.”
Presenter: TBA
Around the house (Cascade 3 and 4)
Learn some tips and tricks from others who are blind for cleaning, organizing, repairing, and living safely and comfortably in and around your home.
Facilitator: Carol Brame, Secretary, South Kitsap Council of the Blind
Panelists: Jackie Cabrera, Julie Brannon, and Frank Cuta
12:00 PM Awards Luncheon
It’s time for special awards to be presented, chapter round up so we can hear highlights from our chapters, hear from some of this year’s first time attendees, and other fun surprises.
Host: Cindy Van Winkle, Convention Coordinator
1:15 PM Start Spreading the News: Real ways your chapter can utilize PR and Social Media.
Presenter: Katie Frederick, Board of Directors, American Council of the Blind
1:50 PM Aira vs Be My Eyes: two popular apps bringing real-time assistance to those who are blind
Demonstrators: Denise Colley and Cindy Van Winkle
2:10 PM Transition to breakouts
2:15 PM Three Concurrent Breakout Sessions
A Closer Look: an in depth exploration of assistive technology (Limit 20 participants) (Cascade 1 and 2)
This is your opportunity for an in depth exploration of assistive technology, including smart speakers, speech and braille, and low vision, in up to three 20 minute small group curated hands on sessions. Take the time you need to discover the latest devices in detail and have your questions answered by top AT specialists.
Facilitator: Heather Meares, President, United Blind of Walla Walla
Panelists: Al Yardley, Naomi Namekata, Reginald George, and Deb Lewis
On a Bicycle Built for Two: Tandem riding is for everyone (Cascade 5 and 6)
Come learn how you can ride a bike without sight, what it means to be a captain or stoker, how you can get involved, and the many styles of tandem bikes available.
Presenter: Mike Magures, Secretary, Peninsula Council of the Blind
Microsoft Accessible Gaming Connection (Cascade 7 and 8)
This is an introduction to the World of Gaming accessibility demonstrated and taught by experts from Microsoft.
3:30 PM Four Concurrent Breakout Sessions
HAM Radio: It’s not your daddy’s hobby (Cascade 1 and 2)
Particularly in the northwest, HAM Radio is still a vibrant and interesting pastime. The digital age has come to this hobby too. There are a myriad of differing ways to communicate. In this session, you will learn about many of these.
Presenters: Jim Turri and Debby and Chris Smith
Become a Knifty Knitter: Knitting using a loom (maximum 10 participants and preregistration required) (Cascade 3 and 4)
This event is scheduled for 90 minutes and is a hands-on learning event. Cost $10 to cover the cost of supplies.
Instructor: Jean Colley
The Ten Must-Haves in a Lady’s Wardrobe (Cascade 5 and 6)
A hands-on fashion show, honest girl talk, and empowering tips and tricks to help you make the best choices for you on what to where for real life occasions.
Facilitator: Hayley Agers
Getting Ready for the Gaming Experience (Cascade 7 and 8)
Gaming is a community affair. It’s fun for the whole family and accessible for everyone. Come learn about accessible gaming as demonstrated by experts from Microsoft.
4:30 PM End of General Sessions
5:00 PM GDUWS Dinner/Social (Seaport Restaurant)
5:00 PM Youth Program (Cascade 1 and 2)
For registered teens and their families only. Sponsored by Department of Services for the Blind and WCB Families with Blind Children Committee,
7:00 pm Game On! (Cascade 7 and 8)
Big screens and several games, and all with accessibility in mind. Come play, have fun, and unwind.
7:30 PM Showcase of Talent (Grand 1)
Come enjoy entertainment provided by some of our talented conventioneers!
Free to conventioneers, $5 at the door for those not registered with the convention.
Host: Meka White, Vice President South King council of the Blind
9:00 PM WCB Life Members Reception (Grand 2)
Come socialize, enjoy special refreshments, and get a VIP look at our fundraising packages!
WCB life members only
Hosted by the WCB President
9:00 PM Hospitality (Cascade 9 and 10)
Mingle with old and new friends over snacks and beverages. Bar provided by the DoubleTree with set $5 drink pricing. Complimentary soft drinks and snacks provided by our host chapter, PCAB.
Registered conventioneers only!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
7 AM to noon Registration/Information Desk open (Conferencing foyer)
7:00 AM GDUWS Breakfast and Business Meeting (Cascade 5 and 6)
7:30 AM General Breakfast (Grand 3)
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Youth Program (Cascade 1 and 2)
For registered teens only.
Sponsored by Department of Services for the Blind and WCB Families Committee,
8:45 AM Announcements
8:50 AM We Are ACB
It’s time to be in the know concerning blindness issues on a national level.
Presenter: Katie Frederick, Board of Directors, American Council of the Blind
9:20 AM The Journey to the Job: Three people who are blind share their journey to employment.
Facilitator: Cindy Van Winkle, WCB Past President
Panelists: TBA
10:10 AM Break
10:25 AM Knowledge is Power: With the advent of alternatives and additions to Library of Congress materials, there are many sources where we can obtain books and magazines which we will explore together.
Panelists: Meka White, Jim Turri, and Alan Bentson
10:55 AM State of the State
Together let’s learn what’s happening with our three state agencies serving the blind.
Panelists: Danielle Miller, Program Manager/Librarian, Washington Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL); Lou Oma Durand, Executive Director, Department of Services for the Blind (DSB); and Scott McCallum, Superintendent, Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB).
12:00 PM General Lunch (Grand 3)
12:00 PM GDUWS Lunch and Program (Cascade 5 and 6)
1:30 PM Annual Business meeting (Grand 1)
Agenda items include In Memoriam, elections, budget, constitution and bylaw amendments, resolutions, old business, new business.
4:30 PM Adjourn
5:00 PM Scholarship Reception (Cascade 1-4)
Come learn about, hear from, and meet our scholarship winners.
Hosted by the WCB Scholarship Committee
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Multi-Raffle and Silent Auction (Grand 2)
Come bid on some incredible packages and purchase chances to win some others.
Coordinator: Lisa George
6:00 PM Pre-Banquet Hour (Grand 3)
Come socialize, grab a drink, check out the Silent Auction and Raffle next door, and secure your seat.
7:00 PM Banquet (Grand 3)
Master of Ceremonies: TBA
Invocation: TBA
Presentation of scholarships: Kim Moberg, Chair, Scholarship Committee
Presentation of awards: Danette Dixon, Chair, Awards Committee
Banquet address: Katie Frederick, Board of Directors, American Council of the Blind
9:30 PM Hospitality and Karaoke (Cascade 9 and 10)
Help us bring our 2019 convention to a close with socializing, singing, and refreshments. Bar provided by the DoubleTree with set $5 drink pricing. Complimentary soft drinks and snacks provided by our host chapter, PCAB.
Karaoke provided by David Edick
Registered conventioneers only!